Auction Cloud
Our Services

Request for Quotation

Request for Quotation (RFQ) or Sealed Bid is an electronic tool, used by the buyers to receive quotes for the specific goods or service in very short period of time. RFQ is usually used for the initial price discovery and followed by the Auction to get the best market price.


Our e-Procurement suit helps you to automate your procurement process completely, which helps you in saving time, ensures better prices, reduced paperwork, enhances transparency and higher procurement process efficiency. Our e-Procurement solution is simple to use and easy to integrate with your ERP system to deliver better result.

Reverse Auction

An online Negotiation tool involving multiple parameters, usually undertaken as the last leg of the Sourcing/ Tendering process , which helps the buyer in saving time, ensures better prices, reduced paperwork, enhances transparency, increases market efficiency, higher procurement process efficiency, and at the same time, provides the Suppliers/ Vendors on the status of their respective competitiveness.

Supplier Management

In today’s global economy there are so many factors to consider when choosing and managing a supplier, that it can quickly become overwhelming. With our supplier management solution, you can automate, simplify the supplier management process, can make it fast, easy and can take informed decisions about your suppliers to strengthen the relationship with the suppliers.

Why ProcureCloud?

Top 10 reasons to choose ProcureCloud as your Sourcing Partner.

  • 100+ years of Domain Experience
  • Formulation of e-Sourcing Strategy
  • Completely Automated Processes
  • Bidder Training & Run-time Query Resolution
  • Information Security Guaranteed
  • Best in Class Product
  • Value Proposition Analysis
  • Secured, Flexible and Compliant to International Standards
  • Robust & Flexible configuration of Bidding Rules
  • Lower Cost of Ownership
Why Clients love ProcureCloud
More Power to You! We have designed ProcureCloud considering your Key Requirements such as Security, Performance, Ease of Use and Scalability. Our feature rich application allows you to create any Complex Sourcing Event.
Customers and Partners

Helping Clients and Partners to create Success Stories. We would like to create a Success Story for you as well.

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